Is this a case of Dr. Jekell & Mr. Hyde?
Posted on May 10, 2006 at 10:19:16 PM by justicia
It is amazing to me that the spouse of a Pastor, can publish a paper full of hipocrasy & call it the "Christian Herald" when it should really be called the "Gossip Gazette" or in Spanish if you wish - "El Chisme! It is disappointing to think that these are the very people that we look to for guidance & what are they showing us by their example? Are they saying it is ok to bash someone when you really do not have the story straight but it is ok to allow your personal feelings to get in the way & cloud your judgement? Are they saying that it is ok to judge when Jesus Christ stated that it was not ok to do this? I have lived in this town (Taft) for close to 50 years & I think I know the people better than a person or people that has been here for under 5 years - if that. I can really think & make up my mind about who people are & not have to read about it in the "Christian Herald". I was very excited when the publication started thinking one could gain from it. One could use its message of love & forgiveness to get us through the tough times we must face day to day - but much to my regret it is the very opposite thing. I no longer bother to pick up the publication & it can sit & rot on the street where it landed! Every time I see one on the street it brings to mind the time Mary Magdelene was running from those that would stone her & Jesus asking those that condemned her if they were free of sin. As I recall he stood there & not a single person threw a stone knowing that they too were guilty of sin. He went on to ask Mary Magdelene if anyone had condemned her & she responded none. Jesus at that point said that he also would not condemn her to go & sin no more. Mary turned her life around because she felt the love & forgiveness coming from this amazing man. If Jesus could refrain from going around pointing out people's sins who is anyone to judge & condemn (especially representives of the cloth)? I can accept that lay people such as I could behave this way but church leaders??? From scripture I recall Jesus as going out among the sinners & befriending them (gaining their love & respect in the end) & turning their lives from sin due to his example. I recall that he invited the children to come to him & he loved every minute of the time he spent with them. In the parabel about the prodigal son, the greedy son was not condemned but welcomed back with open arms - can the spouse of the pastor (& ultimately the pastor for condoning this behaviour - you know the saying guilty by association) say they lead by example? It does not seem so by their actions. I think these people have done themselves a great disservice when they allowed their personal feelings to come into play. They had such a great opportunity to use this publication for a much greater good rather than what it is being used for - it is indeed a shame! If this is what one calls a Christian (I know better than that) than thank God I am not in their congregation. I truly hope that they will reflect on this & pray about it for it would be great to one day see truly positive & neutral messages. If I may quote Jesus: Give to Caesar what is Caesar's (government) but give to God what is God's (souls). I can see where it is best to keep the church & state apart. Peace to all!
Garcia tried to sound like he was speaking from the heart?
It’s a typical sticky summer afternoon in Taft, a sorghum and cotton town in San Patricio County named for President Taft’s half-brother Charles. With temperatures close to 100 degrees, it’s not a comfortable day to be on the streets, but when you’re running for a lower office like state representative, you run a shoe-leather campaign. This is Juan Garcia’s first shot at elected office, and he knows what he needs to do.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Taft Texas where Religion is Yanquied for Political Influence and Funding by Justicia
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Can you please....
Posted on May 10, 2006 at 10:41:39 PM by Jaime Kenedeño
forward the copies of this publication?
Email me for my address and phone number.
It seems a critique is in order.
Dont make me call the Feds again!
Major Carrales
Posts: 761
Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/10/2006 1:58:10 AM
Lots has been said here about Juan Garcia...but the time for action is been thrust upon him.
He has been labeled a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT, and he might very well be. HOWEVER, I tend to raise a red flag when I hear people make such labels of relative newcommers who have yet to unfurl their colours and sails on the open waters of government.
Shall we give him a fair shot at this? Let him sink or swim by his own words before we unleash our bias and agendism.
This is merely a call for objectivity.
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Author Replys
Posts: 9
Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/10/2006 2:54:26 AM
Juan Garcia will prove himself worthy. Juan Garcia is about the future.
Posts: 2234
11/10/2006 6:32:17 AM
Translation please.
Hardcore Harry
Posts: 237
Re: Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/10/2006 5:31:11 PM
I''m sure you ment to say that SanAntonio attourney Michael Watts will be a good representitive.
Posts: 3504
Yeah, like ole Gene . . .
11/10/2006 5:41:23 PM
. . . weren''t in the pocket of the insurance industry. Get bent over by the trial lawyers or get bent over by the insurance idustry, what a choice. Most folks have more contact with their insurance agent than with their attorney.
Posts: 891
Re: Re: Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/11/2006 2:10:36 AM
The question is actually who are the better representatives, the insurance companies or the trial lawyers?
Posts: 897
Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/10/2006 9:15:06 AM
Sorry Major. I see him as a Socialist Democrat.
Posts: 9
Re: Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/11/2006 12:11:15 AM
Juan Garcia represents a new progressive ideology, not a Democrat or Republican but an all inclusive agenda. Why is Socialist such negative word?
Posts: 891
Re: Re: Juan Garcia...shall we let his actions speak for him?
11/11/2006 12:47:32 AM
To Cal: Why?
Posts: 845
If you think Juan Garcia was elected....
11/10/2006 10:09:11 AM
think again. It will be Micheal Watts who is telling him what to do. Juan is a puppet for those who are against tort reform.
Sorry Major, as a veteran, I have already seen his true colors. He has no core values and is a professional at plausable deniability.
Wild Ape
Posts: 3723
Re: If you think Juan Garcia was elected....
11/10/2006 5:36:40 PM
CS nails it. I was trying to find words with my gut feel. He had no courage to stand by and let those negative ads run. That was shameful. He could not stand on his own merit.
Posts: 891
Re: Re: If you think Juan Garcia was elected....
11/11/2006 1:14:12 AM
Is the fact that he did not do anything about the ads the only prove he doesn''t have any core values?
What is it about his ideas that make him wrong to be our representative?
Okay, maybe what makes being a representative for trial lawyers worse than being one for insurance agencies?
Posts: 9
Common Sense.......
11/11/2006 12:03:11 AM
the voters have spoken. The actions you speak of are conspiratorial at best. Those are serious accusations you make toward Mr Watts; I hope you have something to back it up?
Where is your evidence?
Posts: 3504
This ain''t . . .
11/11/2006 4:58:55 AM
. . . a court room. We doan need no stinkin'' evidence.
Posts: 891
Re: If you think Juan Garcia was elected....
11/11/2006 1:12:24 AM
What has Garcia done or said that proves he has no core values or is a puppet for those against tort reform?
Posts: 354
Re: Juan Garcia...NICE GUY?
11/10/2006 10:23:24 AM
...My wife works at a low income place ""A salon"" where the girls that work there have screwed up their credit and can''t afford this and that then scream for the Feds to GIVE THEM SOMETHING.. anyway Juan Garcia must have visited them(he knows who to pray upon) and my wife cam home and said ""Juan Garcia came in the shop and he is a real nice guy""..I said yea ""Satan can be a real nice guy also"".
He''s handsome, young// Gene is the opposite so this guy knows who he can ""fool"". I asked my next door neighbor who retired after 30 years ""Limited Duty Officer"" In charge of the Helicopter Engineers on base H-60''s and the like, I asked him Juan Garcia got out after 13 years as a P-3 Pilot Lcdr does he get a retirement check?....NOPE gotta do 20 at least...well I guess Juan doesn''t need that since the big money Attorneys have been pumping cash into his checking account. Not to say Insurance Companies don''t have a grunch of our money to give away. They are comparing him to JFK...well we will see won''t we just how Juan handles things.
Posts: 3504
Wasn''t he elected . . .
11/10/2006 5:45:41 PM
. . to the Texas Legislature? Last time I checked there was no state welfare program . . . except for the insurance industry.
Posts: 9
Juan Garcia was elected by the people, . . .
11/11/2006 12:01:55 AM
for the the people of House District #32.
Posts: 891
Re: Re: Juan Garcia...NICE GUY?
11/11/2006 1:53:20 AM
Did Garcia tell the women who work at the shop that he was going to find a way for the government to pay for their debt?
It was only stated that he went into the shop but not that he preached socialism as a solution to their problems.
How do you know they have screwed up their credit? Have you called up their credit card companies and inquired about their accounts?
Have they told you or someone you know who told you they have screwed up their credit accounts?
The fact that it was brought up that Garcia went to the shop implies some think he is hoping to help women get their debt paid off by using the government and since they seem to think Garcia is a liberal democrat, that is what liberals do according to them. So we can safely assume that the point of bringing up that story is to prove Garcia wants to introduce socialism to texas.
If Seaman was in the military but not long enough to get such benefits he would not have to worry either since the insurance companies have been pumping money into his account.
Or better yet, what correlation are you trying to make between Garcia visiting the shop and the women there having their credit screwed up?
Posts: 354
Re: Juan Garcia...Is about the future...
11/10/2006 6:54:50 PM
...about the future of What SOCIALISM? And taking out beaches away from us...if that''s the future I believe he is fighting a losing battle.
Posts: 3504
Yeah, and his is gonna . . .
11/10/2006 6:58:23 PM
. . . make our sons homosexuals and our daughters lesbians. He will take away our guns and make Spanish the official language. BWAHAHAHA!!!
Posts: 354
Re: the childish...PUT WORDS IN PEOPLES MOUTHs
11/10/2006 8:45:50 PM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are are so stinking predictable Curm, saying someone said something they didn''t is what babys do...yet you won''t grow up.
Posts: 9
Re: Re: Juan Garcia...Is about the future...
11/11/2006 12:06:47 AM
WHy is Socialism such a negative term?
And Juan Garcia alligned with the Beach Access Coalition against the big money power elite (the ""it''s about time"" pro development group) .
Major Carrales
Posts: 761
I''m only saying...
11/10/2006 7:51:14 PM
...let him do something before we make judgements.
We cannot be steeped in AGENDISM for its own sake.
Once he starts talking about stuff and voting in Bills I think there can be more justification.
I ask only for TEMPERANCE in this issue.
Let him prove what he may be.
Same goes for Lloyd NEIL and anyone else.
Posts: 3504
You mean . . .
11/10/2006 8:11:22 PM
. . . Lyin'' Lloyd?
Posts: 354
Re: And as long as Juan doesn''t get his money .
11/10/2006 8:47:25 PM
...from Insurance Companies he''s God
Posts: 891
Re: Re: And as long as Juan doesn''t get his money .
11/11/2006 2:02:10 AM
Can someone who supported Gene Seaman explain why it is better to have a representative in bed with the insurance companies instead of the trial lawyers?
How is it worse?
I don''t see how it could be good either way.
Vote libertarian or independent next time when faced with such choices from the two major parties.
Posts: 9
Mikal Watts is a very......
11/11/2006 12:13:42 AM
influential man you are correct Mr Von Wade. I hardly view him as Pompous but money does talk.
On the inference, Juan Garcia had nothing to do with the negative ads. Juan Garcia ran his campaign on a positive agenda about the future and did not even watch TV for the last month and a half. He never saw the ads of negativity you speak of. Juan Garcia and his firm represent anti trial lawyers'' agendas.
Posts: 891
Re: Mikal Watts is a very......
11/11/2006 12:32:06 AM
The question Eric will ask you and the rest on here, except for Major Carrales and Curmudgeon, is why didn''t Garcia do what he could to stop the ads such as public denounce them?
Posts: 3504
Mikal Watts is a . . .
11/11/2006 5:03:57 AM
. . . crooked trial lawyer. A very rich, very crooked trial lawyer. When he dies they will have to screw him into the ground. With friends like that who needs enemies. Anybody who does not see a connection between Mikal (what a gay name) Watts and Juan Garcia has a one digit I.Q.
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